Jewelry care info

Sterling Silver Care and Cleaning
  • Silver looks its best when kept out of the water as much as possible, especially out of pools and hot tubs that contain harsh chemicals.
  • Allow lotions and perfumes to dry before putting on your jewelry. Avoid cleaning chemicals.
  • Store in a cool, dry place when not wearing. A small plastic bag works well.
  • Tarnish is natural and can easily be polished away again. 
  • Polish using a polishing cloth or pad. Clean more stubborn tarnish away using a soft toothbrush or sponge and dishsoap under warm water.
  • please contact me with any concerns or questions about repairs!
  • OPALS require extra care and consideration. Opals are very soft and can easily be damaged during activities that are hard on your hands. It is also not recommended to allow opals to come into contact with chemicals (even lotions and perfumes can permanently damage the quality of the stone). For your opal to remain as beautiful as the day you got it, I recommend removing it during swimming, showering, exercise, gardening, and anything similarly rough on your jewelry.